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Interdenominational Ministry

Christian (Protestant) Ministry

Connecting with the Christian (Protestant) Campus Ministry is one way for students to deepen their spiritual walk in relationship with other Christians on campus. Our goal is to help prepare students to serve Jesus in their homes, campuses, churches and communities beyond their college years.

We invite students to worship together in the Chapel in Virginia W. Kettering Hall. See schedule below.

In addition, various student-led small group Bible studies and activities are offered throughout the week alongside student groups such as Chi Alpha and Cru.

Gospel Service | Sunday, 2PM, VWK Chapel

Our weekly chapel is a student led and organized worship experience reflecting the cultural diversity on our campus and we seek to provide students with multiple ways to express their praise.

Our worship services are one hour in length. They include singing, praying, communion (2nd Sundays), connection time as well as relevant and engaging messages by students, faculty, area ministers as well as Rev. Green.


ecumenical eucharist | Wednesday, 9PM, VWK Chapel

Food, Connection and Eucharist in the Lutheran/Epicopalian Tradition

Led by ELCA Clergy


Open Chapel | Daily

All chapels across campus are open for you to drop in at any time for personal prayer and meditation. You will find specific Protestant (Christian) resources in the VWK Chapel.

Winter Retreat | TBA

Designed to set your heart on fire for Jesus.

Service Opportunities

Available through the Center for Social Concern.

IDM Team

Rev. Dr. Renita Green: Assoc. Director of Campus Ministry-Religious Diversity and Ecumenical Christian Ministry

Rev. Dr. Renita Green serves as the Pastor for Protestant students, faculty, and staff. She is available for spiritual accompaniment, vocational discernment, and processing life’s challenges. Rev. Green is a fully ordained clergy person authorized to perform all of the sacred rites and rituals (marriages, funerals, baptisms, Holy Communion) Pastor Green is a confidential resource, meaning that anything shared in a pastoral session stays between you, Rev. and God. Those who may be discerning a call into ministry can meet with Rev. Green to process the calling and begin a training path toward formal ministry.

Reach out to Rev. Green for personal spiritual care. You can set up an appointment with her just by checking her g-cal for available dates/times. If you'd like to meet with a different campus minister, Rev. Green will be happy to connect you!

Elder Mycal Kelley: Minister of Music

Elder Kelly works with students interested in learning how to be a “church musician,” lead choirs, and develop praise teams. Work with Elder Kelley by joining the Praise Team.

Noah Melgibson: Chapel Coordinator

Noah leads the student team in the planning of our weekly chapel services including themes, speakers and special worship. Join Noah on the Chapel Team to participate in coordinating and leading weekly services.

Ronnie Barker: Discipleship Mentor

Ronnie is a grad student who leads our Wednesday evening chapel, focusing on discipleship. For more information on discipleship mentor, reach out to Campus Minister Ronnie Barker.

Dolci Asamorah: MultiCultural Ministry

Intentional activities and spiritual development for those in the BIPOC family are planned and led by students of color. Join Dolci’s team!



Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408