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Liturgy and Sacraments



We are excited that you are looking for ways to explore and increase your Catholic faith through liturgy and sacraments. Whether you are looking for our Mass schedule, hoping to explore the Catholic faith or get involved in music ministry or other liturgical ministries, we are happy to be part of your journey.

The links on this page will help you discover how Campus Ministry can support your faith life through liturgy and sacraments. We also welcome you to contact a member of our team directly whenever you have questions or need to talk.

headshot of Scott Paeplow

A Joyful Sound

Brendan Paeplow is 3 years old. Way back when he was 2, he made a trip to his pediatrician. When the pediatrician asked what the boy's favorite song was, he didn't reply ,"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" or "The Wheels on the Bus." He said, "Gloria." As in "Gloria in excelsis Deo." The music to which he sings those words was written by his father, Scott Paeplow, associate director of campus ministry for liturgy and music.

A Joyful Sound

headshot of Scott Paeplow

Brendan Paeplow is 3 years old. Way back when he was 2, he made a trip to his pediatrician. When the pediatrician asked what the boy's favorite song was, he didn't reply ,"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" or "The Wheels on the Bus." He said, "Gloria." As in "Gloria in excelsis Deo." The music to which he sings those words was written by his father, Scott Paeplow, associate director of campus ministry for liturgy and music.


Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408