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Report a Concern

How to Report a Concern...

For immediately dangerous and life threatening situations, please contact Public Safety. Call 911 from UD Campus Phone or Call (937) 229-2121 from all other phones.


For all other concerns, please scroll down for questions that will help you determine where to report your concern. Links or contact details are available under each question.  

The University of Dayton was founded on our Catholic and Marianist traditions and we strive to live out these values through our commitment to community for the common good.  We are unfortunately unable to oust all injustices from our campus community. You may notice (or be the recipient) of an unjust act or have a concern within our campus community. We encourage individuals to try to work out concerns with the affected individual(s) or report our concerns to a supervisor. At times you may not be comfortable doing so and if the matter appears to be criminal, do not go to the affected individual(s) first.  In these circumstances we have designed avenues  (listed below) for you to report your concern and ensure help.  We encourage everyone to support and strengthen our campus community by reporting their concerns. 

Please note these resources are not monitored 24/7. For immediate assistance (and always when you are in immediate danger or there is a life threatening situation), please contact Public Safety at 911 from a UD campus phone or 937-229-2121 from all other phones. 

Reporting frequently asked questions and avenues for filing a report:

Contact Public Safety

If you have an immediate emergency or witness something criminal in nature, contact Public Safety. The Department of Public Safety is a service oriented organization which provides police, emergency medical, student transportation, and parking services to the University community 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

Additional Public Safety information available here or call 911 from a campus phone or 937-229-2121 on any non-University phone. 

Contact the Privately Speaking Line

If you have a concern and are unsure which reporting avenue you should use or if confidentiality or retaliation is a concern, use the Privately Speaking Line. A report can be made online or by making a toll-free phone call. Both methods are administered by Navex/EthicsPoint who is a third party contractor that maintains the confidentiality of the reporter. 

Additional Privately Speaking Line information available or file a report here.

Contact the Equity Compliance Office

If you or someone you know in the University community has had an experience of sexual violence, you have options.  Be sure you are in a safe place, consider whether medical attention is needed, and talk with someone.  For confidential assistance contact an advocate at Artemis in Dayton call (937) 461-HELP (4357) or RAINN's national hotline at (800) 656-4673, or students can meet with a clinician at the University Counseling Center 937-229-3141

To report information or learn more about options for reporting visit the Equity Compliance Office here.

Contact the Equity Compliance Office

The University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, genetic information, military status, veteran status, familial status or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, ordinance or regulation.  Harassment constitutes a form of discrimination that is prohibited by University policy. 

Unwelcome conduct that is based on an individual’s actual or perceived membership in a protected class, or other conduct that diminishes the worth of a person, is incompatible with our fundamental commitment as a Catholic university conducted in the Marianist tradition, and therefore is prohibited by the University. 

To submit a bias incident or discriminatory or harassing behavior click the red button on the Equity Compliance Office here

On the job injuries should be reported to your supervisor and Human Resources in a timely manner.  If you or your employee suffers an injury while on the job, refer to the information about the Workers’ Compensation program (available at the link below), including instructions, information on the process and forms for reporting injuries. This also applies to student employees. 

Additional employee injury information available here. 

Contact Risk Management and Insurance (see contact information below)

If you have been injured (non-work related), had a near-miss injury, or have observed an unsafe condition on campus, please contact either of the following:

Katherine Cleaver
Assistant Vice President, Compliance and Environmental Health & Safety
Phone: 937-229-5392

Margie (Mary) Keenan
Associate Director, Risk Management & Insurance
Phone: 937-229-4502

Contact the C.A.R.E. Team

The Campus Awareness Response and Evaluation Team (C.A.R.E.) has been created to help students. There are often many outward signs that a student is in distress. Knowing what to notice, what to do and what to avoid could be the lifeline your student needs to get help. Additionally, reporting ‘odd’ behavior that causes you concern may just be one more piece of a larger puzzle that the C.A.R.E. team needs to provide that student with assistance. 

Additional C.A.R.E. information available or file a report here. 

As stated in the University’s statement on The Dignity of Persons Within the University Community and Standards of Behavior, “The quality of our campus life and community is dependent on the conduct of each of its members. The university expects that the behavior of employees will reflect civility, decency and respect for oneself and others.”

In support of this commitment, the University and the Office of Human Resources offers a variety of ways that employees can voice and work to resolve concerns, including the following:

Informal Resolution

The Office of Human Resources encourages the resolution of conflict at the earliest opportunity, and the lowest step possible. Employees in conflict are encouraged to use informal resolution to resolve conflict in a mutually satisfying way whenever appropriate. Many times a small problem will be successfully resolved immediately, rather than allowing it to fester and grow, resulting in a much bigger issue. Employees should consider using the following techniques when working to informally address their concerns:

Be honest and direct

State your concern from your perspective, for example:

  • I find it difficult when…
  • I am unable to meet deadlines when…
  • I feel a lack of respect when…

Listen carefully

  • Listen to what the other person is saying instead of preparing to respond.
  • Avoid interrupting the other person.
  • After the other person finishes speaking, rephrase what was said to make sure you understand it.

Avoid blaming

  • Focus on the facts, finding fault can prevent problem-solving.

Stay focused

  • Avoid getting sidetracked and discussing other issues.
  • Keep bringing the conversation back to the concern you’ve stated.

Contact the HR Care Team Assistance

The Employee Care Team has been created to help faculty and staff. Whether you are concerned for someone's well-being or have witnessed outward signs that an employee is in distress, Human Resources has a team that can help you. We are a community that cares, reporting a concern may be one more piece of a larger puzzle that the team needs to provide that employee with assistance. The Employee Care Team is also available to assist with other HR related matters, including the informal and formal resolution of conflict between peers, and/or supervisors.

The HR Care Team is available to assist employees seeking to resolve their concerns informally. Issues which are not successfully resolved informally may benefit from other informal or formal resources that are available.

The following Human Resource staff lead the Care Team and are available to help. 

Kimberly Bakota
Director of Employee Relations
Phone: 937-229-2478

Jennifer Duwel
Director of Employee Relations, Talent and Risk
Phone: 937-229-2722

Teshia M. Ligon
Director of Labor and Employee Relations
Phone: 937-229-5382

Lifeworks Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

LifeWorks, your EAP, offers free and confidential support, guidance, and resources that can help you resolve a wide range of personal issues at work or home to meet life’s challenges, including workplace conflict. Lifeworks is available 24/7 and includes on-line resources, telephonic consultation, in-person counseling, and virtual sessions.

Staff Dispute Resolution Policy

The University established the Staff Dispute Resolution Policy to facilitate the timely and objective review of information for the purpose of fact-finding, clarification and determination on matters found to be appropriate for review.

This policy applies to all University staff and student employees, except bargaining unit employees and members of the faculty having a dispute regarding matters covered by the faculty grievance procedure, as described in the Faculty Handbook. Any employee who believes s/he has a valid dispute should advise his/her immediate supervisor of the complaint and discuss the matter fully with him/her. If the discussion does not result in a satisfactory resolution or if the employee is not comfortable going directly to his/her supervisor, the employee may initiate the Dispute Resolution Procedure.

Contact the Equity Compliance Office

The University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, genetic information, military status, veteran status, familial status or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, ordinance or regulation.  Harassment constitutes a form of discrimination that is prohibited by University policy.

Unwelcome conduct that is based on an individual’s actual or perceived membership in a protected class, or other conduct that diminishes the worth of a person, is incompatible with our fundamental commitment as a Catholic university conducted in the Marianist tradition, and therefore is prohibited by the University.

If you or someone you know in the University community has had an experience of sexual violence, you have options.  Be sure you are in a safe place, consider whether medical attention is needed, and talk with someone.  For confidential assistance contact an advocate at Artemis in Dayton call (937) 461-HELP (4357) or RAINN's national hotline at (800) 656-4673, or students can meet with a clinician at the University Counseling Center 937-229-3141.

To submit a report of a bias incident or discriminatory or harassing behavior click Submit a Report on the Equity Compliance Office website.

Contact the Privately Speaking Line

If you have a concern and are unsure which reporting avenue you should use or if confidentiality or retaliation is a concern, use the Privately Speaking Line. A report can be made online or by making a toll-free phone call. Both methods are administered by Navex/EthicsPoint who is a third party contractor that maintains the confidentiality of the reporter.

Additional Privately Speaking Line information available or file a report here.

Concerns should be raised in good faith. Any retaliation for reporting is prohibited. If you feel you are a victim of retaliation as a result of a report  or investigation you can report it to Legal Affairs (937-229-4333), Equity Compliance Office (for matters related to nondiscrimination 927-229-3622), Human Resources (937-229-2541) or the Privately Speaking Line (administered by third party EthicsPoint).  Making a known false report (fabricating information) is also a violation of policy.

Contact UDRI Ethics or the Department of Defense Hotline

UDRI’s integrity is core to its identity and central to its values. A strong culture of integrity is vital to UDRI’s reputation as a leading research institute. Ethical concerns regarding research should be reported as soon as possible by contacting your immediate supervisor, the next level of supervision, or file a report using one of the following methods. See Policy for Business Ethics & Integrity Code for Sponsored Research.  

To report within UDRI:

Call: UDRI Hotline at 937-229-4848; this method does not guarantee anonymity
Email:; this method does not guarantee anonymity
Write: Research Ethics 300 College Park Dayton, OH 45469-7758; you may include contact information or remain anonymous

To report through the University of Dayton's "Privately Speaking Line":

Call: 855-550-0654; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous
Visit:; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous

To report through the Department of Defense:

Call: DOD Hotline toll-free at 800-424-9098; you may include your contact information or remain anonymous
Visit:; this method is anonymous

UD Student, Faculty, or Staff Members

If you have a concern about an email you have received, open the email (do not click any embedded links) and click the “Phish Alert” icon (phish hook) in the Gmail side panel to report the email to IT Risk Management.

If you have any other suspected IT security incidents or data security concerns such as, but not limited to: 

  • denial of service, 
  • malicious software infection, 
  • loss/theft of equipment, 
  • unauthorized access to data

Please report it immediately to the IT Risk Management Officer (IRMO) by using the IT Security Incident Reporting form. The IRMO will coordinate the appropriate parties and activities to develop and implement a response. If you have additional questions, contact or 937-229-4387. 

Parents, Alumni or Other External Community Members

If you have an IT security concern about a communication you have received from or about UD, report it immediately by using the IT Security Incident Reporting form. If you have additional questions, contact or 937-229-4387

Help Keep Flyers Safe!!

Contact the Privately Speaking Line

Did you see something or hear something and are unsure which reporting option you should use? Do you want it to be confidential? Is retaliation a concern? Use the Privately Speaking Line. A report can be made online or a toll-free phone call. Both methods will be administered by EthicsPoint who is a third party service vendor that maintains the confidentiality of the reporter.  

Additional Privately Speaking Line information available or file a report here.

When Making a Report...

Concerns should be raised in good faith. Any retaliation for reporting is prohibited. If you feel you are a victim of retaliation as a result of a report  or investigation you can report it to Legal Affairs (937-229-4333), Equity Compliance Office (for matters related to nondiscrimination 927-229-3622), Human Resources (937-229-2541) or the Privately Speaking Line (administered by third party EthicsPoint).  Making a known false report  (fabricating information) is also a violation of policy.


Audit, Risk & Compliance

St. Mary's Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1642