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UAS and Embedded Systems

X-47B UCAS.  Photo courtesy US Air Force.

Pioneering Sensing Research on UAS Platforms

UDRI’s UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) and Embedded Systems researchers focus on providing automation technologies, sensor control, system integration, and exploitation capabilities across a wide range of UAS platforms. We also provide an embedded platform for performing complex sensing algorithm testing.


  • Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sensor testing support; control and integration of sensors, datalinks, and other common subsystems; control automation)
  • Sensor evaluation specific to customer requirements
  • Software design and integration
  • Field and flight test support

The ability to isolate and test a system of systems on a UAS platform is critical in providing a flexible testing environment. We have expertise in exploitation capabilities in many sensor domains, including Electro-Optic (EO), Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) and Infrared (IR).

One of our current efforts involves development of software, hardware, and an in-house System Integration Lab (SIL) for a program that has developed a small UAS that can be launched from a host aircraft via a missile tube while in flight. A related effort will integrate this design into a pod-based architecture for eventual demonstration from an MQ-9 Reaper aircraft.

Another project now underway involves our supporting the continual development of new image processing algorithms on small, low-power embedded processors, and providing continual flight integration and test support.

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Top: X-47B UCAS.  Photo courtesy US Air Force.


Extending sight in the sky

UDRI has been awarded $15 million to support development of Air Force air-launched unmanned sensing systems.


University of Dayton Research Institute

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Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0101