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Vocation as an Institutional Learning Goal

Vocation is Central


Vocation is more than an Institutional Learning Goal at the University. Our efforts are built around a shared understanding of vocation. By pursuing their vocations, people define their life’s purpose. 

Faculty, staff, and students across the university collaborate in vocation conversations, workshops, events and educational programs designed to guide all members of our community through a process of vocational discernment. 

Formed & Pursued in Community

One Call

to discover your unique gifts and employ them in service for the common good.

Many Opportunities

to discern and act on your vocation in ways that are personally satisfying and bring meaning to your life.

Vocation Resources

A library of video resources to guide UD students, faculty, staff, and administrators in discussions about what vocation means at the University of Dayton and to reflect on their own vocational journeys.

The Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center offers a large and growing collection of books addressing vocation faculty and staff can consult to learn more about the topic, support their efforts to discussion vocation with students, and better understand their own life callings.

List of Current Titles

Vocation Implementation Team

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469

Institutional Leaning Goals

The seven institutional learning goals are the hallmark of our undergraduate education. Students’ learning around each of these seven ILGs is pursued through different structures and activities, such as coursework in their majors, the Common Academic Program, co-curricular programming, and learning experiences outside the formal curriculum.
