Hazing Prevention

PreventZone is a hazing prevention education module that all students, faculty/staff advisers, coaches, and UD volunteers need to complete each year. The Hazing Prevention 101 Course is the only required training. Contact hazingprevention@udayton.edu or 937-229-3437 with questions.
Information about Hazing
Warning Signs of Hazing
Students may or may not feel comfortable expressing concerns directly to parents or friends if being hazed. Here are some key things to look for that might help you identify whether or not your student/friend may be experiencing hazing:
- Sudden change in behavior or attitude after joining the organization, group, or team
- Wanting to leave the organization, group, or team with no real explanation
- Sudden decrease in communication with friends and family
- Physical or psychological exhaustion
- Unexplained weight loss
- Unexplained injuries or illness
- Change in sleeping or eating habits
- Withdrawal from normal activities
- Expressed feeling of sadness or feeling of worthlessness
- Increase in secrecy and unwillingness to share details
*If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these key things, learn how to file a report here
Questions to Consider or Ask When Getting Involved in Organizations, Groups, or Teams
- What do you want to be involved in at school?
- Do you know what hazing is?
- How can you stand up or say no if it occurs?
- What are resources online and at school you can utilize if you are hazed?
- Do you know how/where to report?
- How much time will you be spending with the organization/team/group?
- What kind of activities are involved in joining this group? Are you comfortable with all of these?
- Is alcohol involved in any of these activities?
- Have you met the organization/group adviser or coach?
How to Report a Concern
If you are concerned for yourself or another's immediate wellbeing, please call Public Safety at 937-229-2121.
If you are concerned about activities, but do not require immediate assistance, file a report through the Office of Community Standards and Civility here or contact the Dean of Students Office here
*The University works to protect the identities of those individuals who report hazing and any retaliatory behavior against an individual who reports will be subject to the University's Code of Conduct.
Additional Resources for Hazing Prevention
As individuals, groups, and organizations work to prevent situations to encourage or engender hazing behaviors, we must all come together and share positive resources that help this cause. Many campus and national resources are available:
- Center for Student Involvement: Staff members from the Center for Student Involvement are trained in hazing prevention measures, inclusive of those who are specifically trained to work with values-based Greek organizations in the women's Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), multicultural Greek council, and College Panhellenic Council. Contact Center for Student Involvement at (937) 229-3333 to request to speak with someone who may schedule a presentation for a group/organization meeting on the topic of hazing prevention.
- Student Organization Resource Guide: Each year, the Center for Student Involvement publishes its updated Student Organization Resource Guide to inform student organizations and their advisers of the guidelines, policies, and procedures regarding hosting events, travel, and finances. In collaboration with several campus partners, Center for Student Involvement has continued to adhere to best practices with regard to safety and security, institutional and organizational reputation, and value congruency with organizational mission.
- Group/organization adviser: Recall that as groups and organizations have advisers who are trained to assist in education, prevention, and response, your adviser can be called upon to help interpret appropriate practices for all individual and group/organization behavior.
- Community Standards and Civility: Staff members from Community Standards and Civility are trained in hazing prevention measures. Contact the office at (937) 229-4627 to request to speak with someone who may schedule a presentation for a group/organization meeting on the topic of hazing prevention.
- HazingPrevention.org: A national organization dedicated to its mission to empower people to prevent hazing in college and university student groups.
- StopHazing.org: A comprehensive site for current literature and media available to students, as well as updates on state laws that are applicable for individuals and groups.
For other questions or concerns, email hazingprevention@udayton.edu
Hazing Prevention Committee
The Hazing Prevention Committee works to promote awareness, education, and basic skill-building for the UD community, preparing alert and knowledgeable individuals who can act in situations of concern.
Hazing Prevention Programs
We work to partner and promote hazing prevention messages throughout the school year. You can request a committee member to facilitate a hazing prevention program directly to your organization, group, or athletic team.